Siona Blaise

Siona Blaise

Saint Lucia
Maman, Psychologist, Reader, & Writer.
Young girl sad because of parentification

Parentification's Devastating Consequences on Childhood

Trauma is intergenerational. Parentification often gets passed down from one generation to the next. The earlier it begins and the longer it lasts, the more detrimental it is to the child.
10 min read
Woman radiating happiness, contentment, and joy from using healthy coping skills

Grow Your Toolbox With Healthy Coping Skills

Both healthy and unhealthy coping skills offer relief. But, unhealthy coping mechanisms tend to only provide temporary relief and they can be detrimental in the long run. They can lead to a toxic cycle of dependency since the key issues don't get resolved.
9 min read
Photo of woman with her eyes blurred out.

When Unhealthy Coping Skills No Longer Serve You

Both healthy and unhealthy coping skills can offer temporary relief from our problems. Unhealthy coping skills are like a heavy suit of armor that lets us hide from the issues or shield us temporarily from the fallout. Using this suit of armor is exhausting and never fully addresses the key issue.
4 min read
Woman closing her eyes with contentedness and feeling at peace.

A Holistic Healing Approach to Transforming Your Life

Therapy is not a cure-all. To have the best results that last the longest, healing needs a holistic approach. This means ensuring that you are taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health.
3 min read
Fingering a melon with sexual suggestion

The Pink Orgasm Tax: End Orgasm Inequality

During sexual intimacy with a partner, 95% of heterosexual men report usually or always orgasming. For lesbian women, the rates are 86% and for heterosexual women, it is only 65%.
6 min read
A couple beaming with happiness, love and gratitude

One Easy Trick To Make Yourself Happier

Emotions are contagious. Negative thoughts turn into negative feelings. Negative feelings turn to negative behaviors. Break the cycle with this one easy solution.
5 min read
Mom and dad monkey cuddling their baby monkey

How I Protect My Children Against Sexual Assault

As a parent, the idea of harm falling onto my children is terrifying. It is a fear that keeps me up at night. As a Forensic Psychologist, I see the dark side of humanity. With my experience, I'm using these methods to protect them from sexual assault.
5 min read
A man and a woman sit apart, thinking after a fight

Can Relationships Survive Cheating?

Although cheating is an enormous act of betrayal, it is possible to repair the relationship. Some couples can address the root causes of the infidelity, leading to a stronger, more resilient partnership.
3 min read
Prisoner in orange jumpsuit behind bars

Inmates Have One Horrific Thing In Common

You now have membership in one of the depressing clubs: Adverse Childhood Experience Group. What does this membership offer? Behavioral problems, physical health problems, and mental health issues.
3 min read
Man holding fairy lights over his eyes.

3 Surprising Tips for Optimal Cognitive Function

Prioritizing brain health is a lifelong investment that pays off when you need it most. The common tactics are exercise, a healthy diet, stress management, good sleep, and challenging the brain. By adopting the more surprising techniques above, you can improve your cognitive functioning.
3 min read