
Woman trying to rekindle the spark

How to Rekindle the Spark in Long-Term Relationships

"Why don't I feel in love anymore?" "Is my relationship missing something?" "Would I be better if I ended my relationship?"
4 min read
Mom and daughter practicing yoga and mindfulness together

The Art of Mindfulness in Parenthood

Mindfulness has been found to improve mental and physical health. It reduces stress and even increases overall happiness. It helps parents stay in the moment, appreciate time with their children, and creates stronger memories.
4 min read
Woman closing her eyes with contentedness and feeling at peace.

A Holistic Healing Approach to Transforming Your Life

Therapy is not a cure-all. To have the best results that last the longest, healing needs a holistic approach. This means ensuring that you are taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social health.
3 min read
A couple beaming with happiness, love and gratitude

One Easy Trick To Make Yourself Happier

Emotions are contagious. Negative thoughts turn into negative feelings. Negative feelings turn to negative behaviors. Break the cycle with this one easy solution.
5 min read